Surface entering the Market
Oct 25th, 2012 by asfvinpugunisparam
Microsoft has recently launched its latest tablet, Surface in the market. Surface uses a modified version of Microsoft’s latest Window 8 known as RT. Surface seems to have numerous quality that makes it a good tablet. It is very durable and has a very tough screen and and comes with a keypad that is touch sensitive.
However, it is priced at $499, which is roughly the same price as the new Ipad that was recently released. The question here is whether Surface can compete with the other tablets that are already in the market and especially Apple’s Ipad which has been dominant in the market. With the new features that Surface has and the program that it runs with, it might have a fighting chance in the tablet market; however, i believe that it will have difficulty in sales for the first few weeks or month until its competitive advantage over other tablet has been establish. Currently, it is just another tablet in the market with a pricey tag released from Microsoft. Nevertheless, the review of it as a hybrid of laptop and a tablet might be just the point of difference that it needs to attract consumers.