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Archive for November, 2012

The blog post titled “Goodbye Rogers” by Chris Umiastowski intrigued me in a number of way. Firstly i can sense from the title and after reading the article that he does not seem to like Rogers that much. But why? It seems that Rogers overcharges him for the landline and he could get  a better deal […]

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Based on Loh, Wil Fred blog “Hurricane Sandy : An Unexpected Financial Crisis“, Hurricane Sandy has destroyed countless homes and reaped numerous lives in North America. Besides that, it has also caused the Wall Street to close for a full two days. As Wall Street closes down for a couple of days, the shares and stocks began […]

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Dell’s Dilemma

Based on Lau, Longwei post titled “Dell: No Longer Unique?” there are many questions that are remain unanswered for Dell in the future. As mentioned by him in his post, Dell is no longer the only company that uses virtual integration as a strategy; other players in the PC industry such as Lenovo are using the […]

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This short article about reverse Brain Drain intrigued me. It is said in this article that India is currently facing a reverse Brain Drain where the intelligent people from India who fled to another country due to its economic meltdown are coming back there. Now, people are coming to India to further their studies and […]

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Cost or Awareness?

Energy Aware Power Tab is a device which enables its user to check on their power consumption and see how much are they spending on their electricity. It needs the aid of a   smart meter or an electric meter which uses wireless to transmit information about the consumption of electricity to the tab and […]

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Redefining Urthe

Recently after hearing about Urthe Cast in class i have decided to check out its official web page and managed to understand better about its function how the idea of satellite imaging of earth in a new way can make profit. Urthe Cast is a company that will install a couple of cameras on a […]

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