Tag Archives: PEST

A Prosperous Park or a Profitable Mine

Fish Lake: A geographical feature that would be a part of the proposed Dasiqox Tribal Park.


Vancouver Sun’s Larry Pynn discusses the Tsilhqot’in First Nation group’s intention to assert a large part of the Chilcotin region as a Tribal park. Notably, this declaration would merge the area where a Prosperity mine has been proposed-an area not legally entitled to the Tsilhqot’in nation- to the 1,750 square feet of land lawfully belonging to the group.

The political, as well as social factors of a PEST analysis can relate to the conflict of interests occurring in the Chilcotin region. Through a political lens, the Tsilhqot’in nation does not have legal ownership over the intended mining area; therefore, the First nation’s claim to that area is illegitimate and should not impact the potential installation of the$1.1 billion copper-gold initiative. However, through a more socio-cultural perspective, the Tsilhqot’in people in general lived in the region prior to the arrival of the European immigrants, and the ever blurry lines of the controversial Indian Act come into play.

It is debatable who should be able to use the particular area for economic use; however, already existent apprehension from the federal government about the mining project may allow the First Nation’s group to establish their park with less of a fight than expected.





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