Tag Archives: Windows

Response: Microsoft’s Fast-forward to Windows Ten

Classmate Tristan Bunyard wrote an intriguing post on Microsoft’s plan to skip a Windows 9 model in order to move straight to Windows 10- a reconstructed synthesis of the highly criticized Windows 8  with some familiar features of older Windows versions.

Tristan makes a valid point on how moving straight to Windows 10 allows Microsoft to quickly revamp and re-establish a strong brand image. However, the quick turnover from a less than successful Windows 8 quickly to a 10 may not be the best strategy for Microsoft.

To consumers, skipping a version 9 and moving straight to the 10 could be confusing for Windows users who would just see the 10 as an unimproved extension of the 8. Unveiling a modified version of the 8 or even a newer version 9, could be a potentially safer transitory step for Microsoft to see which features are gaining the best responses from consumers. Consequently, Microsoft could use their “test-run” results to make the best possible Windows 10 that would receive mostly positive reception.

Without taking the time to thoroughly consider what customers want, and the fundamental problems they have that need solutions to in regards to their Windows experience, who’s to say Microsoft won’t face another negative response to their newest Windows 10?



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