What’s the point if there’s no point of difference?

The Blackberry smartphone has a unique messaging system known as BBM (Blackberry Messenger). This messaging system was formerly exclusive to Blackberries, however, they recently released BBM as a downloadable app to Android and iPhone users. The wild demand for this app resulted in a wait list to receive a “pin,” in order to use the app.

My friend Bailey rationalizes that Blackberry has hit an all-time low of a 1.7% marketshare because BBM was not first to the market (Whatsapp beat them), and BBM is no longer a distinguishing factor for using a Blackberry. Read her whole blog post here.

I completely agree with Bailey. The expectations for smartphones are high and consumers are always looking for innovation and value in these products. One way to create value is by establishing Points of Difference (PoD). For Blackerries, BBM was their PoD. The exclusive messaging system was an appealing concept that gave value to Blackberry users. Making it available to virtually everybody devalues the product because it no longer has a strong PoD. Apple iPhones are always designing new iOS updates for their users, expanding their app store, and making their design as attractive and durable as possible. These Points of Difference make Apple iPhones a more desirable product over Blackberries.

Check out Bailey’s Comm 101 Blog!

Read the article here

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