Guerilla Marketing is a creative, fun, unique, high energy marketing technique that does a great job capturing consumer’s attention. Guerilla Marketing is becoming more mainstream, widely seen on the web. Not only do smaller companies use it but also more established ones like Red Bull and Coke who are fond of the new marketing technique. Red Bull is the industry leader in guerilla marketing; in a Red Bull video Felix Baumgartner set a high record for the highest skydiving jump, this video attracted a huge amount of much deserved attention.
A lot of companies are putting these videos on YouTube so they will go viral: an inexpensive and brilliant marketing strategy. Prankvertising is another non-traditional strategy that creates social buzz around the product and leaves a great lasting impression. An example is when LG Ultra HD TV in an ad used a TV to portray an outside view of the city and during the interview the world appears to be coming to an end when in reality it is only on TV. These new strategies may now turn boring commercials that we love to fast forward into interesting and funny commercials that we might even go as far as replaying over and over again.