Mistakes Cost more than an Apology


           Chip Wilson, founder, chairmen and the biggest shareholder of Lululemon is lucky that Lululemon is his company or he would have been fired after his interview claiming that Lululemon pants are not for every sized women. Lululemon has been having problems with see through pants and poor material. Wilson made a mistake blaming his customer’s body shape for the error instead of blaming it on his own manufacturing line. He did apologize for his inappropriate comment however; there are still many furious customers that say they will never purchase another Lululemon item again. Though Wilson’s unfortunate use of words will affect his company with prolonging negative media exposure, it is unfortunate that this negative feedback overrides all the good Lululemon has done in the community—but that’s just how it goes in society today.

However, Lululemon is not the only company that wants the ideal customer wearing their product, Abercrombie was also accused of only hiring good looking people and claimed they would rather burn their clothes than give them to poor people. Both Lululemon and Abercrombie have made a disastrous and foolish mistake that will take a little more than an apology to win back their customers.


CBC News

Global News

Elite Daily

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