Cause Advocacy

In my final year of study at UBC, I was given the opportunity to develop a plan for taking action and advocating on a topic of choice, in order to bring about change. My partner and I chose the topic of “Rubber Cup Polishing”. I was interested in this topic because I self-identified my lack of knowledge in this area, and I felt strongly against the routine nature of polishing.

This assignment required the use of communication, research use scientific investigation, and leadership. We decided to promote selective polishing towards both the public and dental hygienists. In order to accomplish this, we created a situational analysis on the topic, decided on key messages and focused on three main points: routine dental polishing is unnecessary,(1-3) extrinsic stain can be managed and prevented at home,(4)  and selective polishing supports the best interest of the client. We then created two pieces of communication, one aimed at the public via and the other to Judy Lux of the CDHA, who is currently the acting Manager of Policy and Advocacy.

The first communication piece was the creation of a Facebook page, aimed at educating the public about the concept of selective polishing. Information about selective polishing is posted for the public in plain language with visuals. The second communication piece was the letter to Judy Lux, who is considered the first line of contact for change or implementation of CDHA position statements, practice guidelines and standards of practice. The goal with the letter was to have a call for action for the creation of a position statement, or other form of change. Although, this letter was not actually sent for it was only done for the assignment.

I valued this assignment, it allowed me to use some of my passions for advocacy in a way that was actually doable. Please see below for pictures of my Facebook page.


1. Darby ML, Walsh MM. Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice 3rd ed. Missouri: Saunders; 2010.

2. Jones CL, Milsom KM, Ratcliffe P, Wyllie A, Macfarlane Tv, Tickle M. Clinical outcomes of single-visit oral prophylaxis: A practice-based randomised controlled trial. BMC Oral Health 2011; 11(35):1-13.

3. ADHA: Prophylaxis position paper. [homepage on the Internet]. 2008 [cited 2013 Jan 28]. Available from: American Dental Hygienists’ Association, Web site:

4. Hattab FN, Qudeimat MA, Al-rimawi HS. Dental discoloration: An overview. J Esthet Restor Dent 1999; 11(6):291–310.


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