
  1. What is your answer to criticisms of K-pop masculinity?

  As Korean K-pop music becomes more famous all around world, people are going to have a new concept of aesthetic: What is the real masculinity? In normal Korean males, they have grantee to serve the military, then they became real men. In K-pop industry, males are not necessarily stronger or dressing formal to follow in the traditional style. They can make up, act like a spoiled child or even dressing bonzer and become “Pretty boys”(Colette 2017). In my opinion, I think whatever the male’s style in K-pop right now, as long as they can contribute in K-pop and their fans, then they have masculinity

Male’s style in K-pop industry influences their fans as squeals of delight and excitement(Colette 2017). It means male idol’s style can let their fans become excited, then it is the masculinity and it is also their contribution for K-pop. For example, Colette Bennett said in his article “How male K-Pop idols are redefining masculinity”: “While K-pop may not suit the taste of many, its continued popularity in the U.S. means that hundreds of thousands of people are falling in love with a new kind of man, one we’re meeting for the first time through the music. It’s refreshing and exciting” (Colette 2017). So after K-pop explored in U.S, more fans get interested in the new kind of male. They actually changed their aesthetic and they even fall in love with the male who actually doing make up. And those male idols just did what they desire to do as: “It’s OK for me to dance, to sing, to enjoy who and what I am”(Colette 2017). Their realistic is a responsibility to K-pop industry and their fans. Whatever they look like, they are themselves and they can perform themselves in good attitude. It is the real concept of masculinity.

In 2009, the music video called Abracadabra by 2 pm had a total hit count of 1,150,000 on YouTube. It became the queen of the girls group mimickers(Jung 2010 p.164). It also proved people accepted 2pm’s performance as girls mimickers. However it did not mean they wanted become girls or they are gay. They just opened a new path of male’s aesthetic and a new style of K-pop music video. Those are all their achievement and I think their achievement let them become masculinity.

In conclusion, we should change our mind about how a male should be look like in K-pop industry. There’s no exactly rule that a male couldn’t make up or dressing in female style. Those are all their styles even features. We cannot say if a male who wear ear ring is not masculinity. We should focus on what they did for their fans and how they work hard for K-pop, this is their identification of masculinity.


Jung, Sun. Korean Masculinities and Transcultural Consumption: Yonsama, Rain, Oldboy, K-Pop Idols. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2011.

Colette,Bennett. “How Male K-Pop Idols Are Redefining Masculinity.” The Daily Dot. February 24, 2017. Accessed November 22, 2018. https://www.dailydot.com/upstream/k-pop-boy-bands-masculinity/.




Cover Video Reflection

As long as we finished our first cover video, the process of making this video let me realize the most important elements in group work and the power of K-pop. Our cover video for PSY’s song is Hangover. The video for hangover is not just dancing or singing, it is more complicated, it likes a drama. As a result, the process of covering this video is not that easy.

First, our group member’s distribution should be clear. Hangover has lots of different plots; our group members need to distribute each part to each person. Then we will choose which part we want to performance individually. It means we should learn how PSY perform in the video and try to become him. This part made me feel that our group like a K-pop group, each member should have a balance time showed in the video and we need to practice together to make the video better.

Second, our performance should be similar. We need to find some places similar with those scenes in the video. And our video has lots of parts were so details. So for our group, we always spend times on finding an empty classroom, designing a classroom and buying some staffs to contribute our cover video. It reflected on that the K-pop idols are so powerful because if they want to make a perfect video, they need to become multitasking, they should handle both dancing and singing even become an actor.

Making a cover video is not easy. I feel so hard when we attempted to perform and I am so admiring those K-pop idols that they can bring such perfect video to us. The process of the cover video let me gained a new understanding of group work and how the K-pop idols do the hard work.

Ziye Pan


Literature Application

Going Viral for Success of Psy

The reading:Cho, Lee, Yoo and Chu, TV Singing Competitions in K-pop, 2018, J of Cultural Economics

Psy became the most popular Korean artist in the world after his song “Gangnam Style.” It became the most viewed video on YouTube after release. The success of Psy shows how going viral on the internet is the best way to become a success artist.

Becoming viral on social media was the most important reason for Psy’s international success. His video was watched billions of times on YouTube (Cho et al. n.p.). This made him popular not just in South Korea but rest of the world. Because of this, the song became number 1 on iTunes and not just in South Korea. It was so popular that students and other young people copied his dance and made their own parody video (Shin n.p.). If Psy’s video was not a viral hit on YouTube, nobody would know about him outside of South Korea.

The importance of viral exposure to musical success in Korea and rest of world is proven by research. For example, a study by Cho et al. showed that Korean artist who competed on television singing competitions sold more songs and made more money than those who did not (n.p.). Competing on TV show is another example of giving yourself ability to go viral. Like Cho et al. say, these shows are very popular. American Idol became one of highest watched and rated show in America, and it is copied in many other countries (Cho et al. n.p.). Psy did not compete in singing competition before his success, but his presence on YouTube is another example of viral exposure that helped make his music successful.

In conclusion, the success of Psy as an international artist is caused mostly by going viral on the internet, especially YouTube and social media. These internet sources give him exposure to all of the world.


Cho, Daegon, et al. “Television singing competitions create stars? Empirical evidence from the digital music chart in South Korea.” Journal of Cultural Economics 1-2, 2018.

Shin, Ryan. “Gangnam style and global visual culture.” Studies in Art Education 57, no.3 (2016): 252-264.

By: Ziye Pan


Video Analysis

Video Analysis about PSY- ‘I LUV IT’

PSY is one of Korean K-pop start, his songs make people feel chill, relax even crazy. Expect the most famous song Gangnam Style, he still has lot of famous music videos. As a result, according to another PSY’s video song “I LUV IT”, it is a choreographic and concept-based video. The genre of this music video is lively and relax, the dance and lyrics combined very balance as well. In this music video “I LUV IT”, PSY uses “LUV IT” as a main concept to tell his audiences: doing things as you love it, you enjoy it and you deserve it.

First, doing things as you love it. The main lyrics in this music is “I LUV IT”. In the MV, when PSY sings “I LUV IT” he probably shows his dancing as well. It is a very simple dance with both legs and arms shaking. As we know, this music including his album 4X2=8, and have surged over 53 million and 63 million views on his official YouTube channel(New straits times 2017). This number also improves that lots of people believe his concept: “I LUV IT”. And in this MV, the dance part with lyric “I LUV IT”, there has a lot of different backgrounds such as classroom, guitar place and in front of home. All those places are very colorful. So I believe PSY wants to tell us, whatever where you are, you love the place you stay at and doing things you love it.

Second, doing things as you enjoy it. Except different places in the MV I mentioned last part, PSY also wants to via this music video to tell us that doing things as the way you real enjoy it. For instance, in the MV around 48 seconds, PSY said: “No need for chopsticks, bring your fork and eat it up.” At that time, PSY sited and he eat a piece of watermelon, he did not use any tableware even the fork, just used his hands. As we know, Korean people use chopsticks for their solid food (Dr, Deson). And the chopsticks in this music video mean clean and respectful even get rid of tying. PSY used his hands to eat the watermelon, he looked enjoy and the watermelon looked delicious. However, his action was so exaggerated and the camera went on his face. So I think, he wants to tell his fans and audiences do not be too tough in our daily life, just doing the things the way you enjoy it to relax yourself.

Last, doing things as you deserve it. In my opinion, when you can say “I deserve something”, then you may very successful or you did very well in your own life. We know PSY is a famous and success singer. All lyrics in his music video “I LUV IT” can let us feel that PSY is confident and happiness. For example, the lyrics as “PSY is back, What’s up” or “I feel like a billionaire”. All those lyrics can explain he is confident and he deserve all achievements he made before however it is not arrogant. PSY just made this music video more exaggerated. It is also his own style. This MV makes me feel positive and happy as well. It makes me become more positive in its colorful background and easy dance. Such as his concept: “I LUV IT”, then you deserve to say: “I feel like a billionaire” and it is because of I made a good job.

In conclusion, “I LUV IT” is a well done music video. Its visuals and lyrics combined very balance and “I LUV IT” is also the whole MV’s concept. “I LUV IT” is very successful because when I saw it I fell my body responds to the music and I can feel the same emotion with PSY. I real like this choreographic and concept-based music video. PSY deserves all of his achievements.


Chon Deson. “Exploring the Flow of East Asian Food Culture” Korean Cuisine and Food Culture 2-6.

“PSY’s ‘I Luv It’, ‘New Face’ a Hit on YouTube” New Straits Times. https://global-factiva-com.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/ga/default.aspx(accessed 7/25/2017).

Officialpsy. “I LUV IT” YouTube. May 10, 2017. Accessed December 07,2018.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5ve5lzs0wM.


By: Ziye Pan




Based on the question, our group will give some ideas about how Korean idols balance the nationalistic while still appealing to international audiences who do not care about nationalistic elements. As we know, Korean people are patriotic. They expect their country has stable development while still remember the Korean history. So we can see some Korean dramas, Korean movies, even Korean music, the Korean idols’ performance still keep Korean traditional, the old style. It is also to remind young people how Korea getting stronger. However, if Korean idols want to maintain Korean nationalistic and bring them to other countries, they need to change strategy. The reason is most international audiences especially young audiences; they are not interested in nationalistic. They desire popular.

To give a specific analysis, we would like to talk about Korean music. Some traditional music is melodic and memorable. Even though those classic music given Korean audiences strong emotionality, let them go though back. They do not catch international audiences’ attention. Most international audiences they do not know about Korean culture, and even they do not feel interested. If the music has much nationalistic components will let them feel boring and sleepy. And most young people like to aspire popular music, and the most famous idol in right now. So I think if the Korean idols want to balance this problem and expanse their music companies to international. They need to change their music’s style.

For example, nationalistic music is peaceful and we think is the main reason why international audience do not like it. It is so boring. To be an international audience, I would like to listen the Korean music is let me feel relax. Nationalistic music let me feel sleepy. So I think if Korean idols expect to let international audiences accept Korean culture positivity, they can make some hip-hop music. Back to today, hip-hop is the most popular music in the world even in Korean. For instance, there has a website called Medium and it tells about Korean hip-hop as: “As I see it, hip-hop is a culture, something larger than a genre of music. It encompasses many things, fragments of life at the time of its creation, into an art form which anyone of any race, ethnicity, skin color, or origin can enjoy.” (Medium 2017). Hip-pop music is an idol’s passion and it is a culture’s spirit as well. The hip-pop music itself is vive and noisy, it is a good way to let young people to freed their pressure. And it is also a good way the Korean idols let nationalistic elements in hip-pop, it likes to change another style to tell international audiences the Korean culture without boring. It is a good idea to attract international audiences listen Korean culture and an awesome strategy for Korean idols appeal their country’s nationalistic.



. “A Look Into Korean Hip-Hop Culture – – Medium.” Medium. August 08, 2017.

Accessed September 26, 2018. https://medium.com/@93/a-look-into-korean-





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