Discussion #4

2) Consider the role of television (as compared to other media devices) in your daily consumption and perception of popular culture, in comparison to that of the presence of television and its implications on the direction of contemporary popular culture in South Korea as suggested by Kim Suk-young in chapter 2


Television plays a significant role in consumption and perception of contemporary popular culture in South Korea, contrasting to western societies consumption of television. Daily consumption of television in my daily life is rare, and perception of popular culture is presented through mediums like smartphones, and laptops. I would argue that most of western culture has turned away from television in favour of other social media devices. Since devices like smartphones are so easily accessible, it provides a quick briefing of pop culture at the click of a button. Although, Korea also has this alternative, television is shown to be a greater medium in directing idol performers and K-pop domestically. In Korea, television still plays a prominent role in Korea’s pop culture. For instance, television is strongly regarded upon for its simplicity and larger screens, allowing for communal viewing. Kim states “command over large screens still distinguish it from more mobile media platforms”(Kim, p.1137), implying televisions distinct difference that propels it over other media devices for TV music shows in Korea. still have a distinct difference t Furthermore, television can display assets like live broadcasting and live voting to its greatest impact, and thus, outmatch other social media devices in Korean Pop culture.


In South Korean pop culture, television is used as a mass distributor of K-pop through live TV music shows. Unlike western television, Korean media utilizes television to distribute their pop culture domestically, engaging fans through live voting and live broadcasting. Western media has cast television shows to the wayside, prominently because of the powerful influence social media devices uphold. For instance, popular western music shows like, America’s top 10 and Fuse’s Top 20 Countdown, as Kim states ‘migrated to cyberspace”(Kim, p.1209). However, shows like Gayo’s Top 10 continue to strive in present day despite its counterparts in western media.Thus the Korean music industry strongly regards television as a powerful medium for distributing their star/idol system. Additionally, Korean Music Shows easily amuse people of all generations through its wide range of performers and music.


A major component of the success of K-pop TV shows are made through its partnership between TV stations and entertainment companies. Kim reveals “Specialists in the field of K-pop tend to agree that the transition was made in part through a strategic partnership between two forces that shape the industry: TV stations and entertainment companies”(Kim, p.1209). As a result of this “strategic partnership”, Korean entertainment companies can avidly promote their idols. Moreover, since TV programs are  longer than short clips you would watch on a smartphone or laptop, TV programs present the benefit for audiences to discover different and unique idol groups that would otherwise go unnoticed. A culmination of these reasons are why contemporary popular culture in South Korea is being directed in an ongoing upward trend.



Kim, Suk-Young. K-pop Live: Fans, Idols, and Multimedia Performance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2018. (1137-1209)


Flinton Yang


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5 Responses to Discussion #4

  1. keer feng

    The importance of television shows in our daily life everywhere while it is less occurring with the widely use of mobile phone and other mobile devices. You use your own experience and knowledge to present this idea clearly. Considering about the different situation in Korea, the use of television shows on several parts. There is some other reasons that why television can stay on the top of K-pop culture. Korean government and Korean television station also push this industry in order to boom market for avoiding the declining. As you said audience can only support their idols by using live voting which is the result of contribution from Korean government and local television station. On the other hand, the role of internet media cannot be ignored in the case of the contribution of attracting other countries fans. Social network services bond fans from all over the world and it is easily and convenience for using. To be honest, television is hardly used in my daily life instead of phones and computer. For instance, phones are usually used to interact with other people who have same interests and we can communicate about idols we all like. Comparing to television, phones can have access to new videos and music in time and have a look on it everywhere. However, tradition media has other advantages comparing to other popular media, like huge screen and high quality of picture. This bring us to the previous question. You emphasized the the cooperation between the entertainments and television station which is definitely a critical reason. They catch the core of K-pop: the royalty of fans. Fan-oriented market has developed quickly in recent years and fans consumption and supports obviously become the goal of those entertainment company and TV stations. TV shows are not only a “show” for audience in Korean but more likely to be a mini-music award show which satisfies gratification for fans who vote everyday. Furthermore, idols and their agency spend much more energy and money for TV shows which might cost for 10,000 USD per show including luxury costume. This system encourages the use of television widespread in South Korea.

  2. Ke Dai

    Hi Flinton! I agree with what you stated in the post, you made your point very clearly by giving 3 reasons. You first compared Korea to western societies that western people prefer to consume and percept pop culture through smartphone or laptops, while television is still widely used in Korea. I agree, this is also a fact that I observed. In addition to “big screen”, television also relate to reality TV shows as a big promoter of K-pop culture, especially music TV shows like ‘Show Me the Money’, ‘Produce 101’, ‘Super Star K’. For these shows, television is still the biggest platform, and the TV stations are the producers for these shows (‘Show Me the Money’, ‘Super Star-K’ and ‘Produce 101’ by Mnet). Apart from musical shows, Korean television stations would also have big celebration ceremonies for festivals or special days. During these ceremonies, they will invite a lot of stars and idol groups to perform, and it would also be a chance for the stars to expose in front of camera. As for promoting K-pop domestically, television has its own advantages. Unlike phones, laptops, people can choose to watch whatever they want at any time, televisions play shows according to specific schedule. People who watch TV do not get to choose the shows they want the TV station to play for them, they can only watch whatever was provided to them. And it would be the same schedule for every individual. This has positive effect on K-pop promotion because the audience are automatically receiving contents, and it helped the K-pop stars to reach their potential fans. For Korean, family gather around and watch TV together became a culture and habit, so while they watching television together, it is easy for them to get interested to the TV show and possibly do more research about the star or the show. As you pointed, TV do a lot of live concert or broadcasting. This can also attract a lot fans of specific star. This “live” form is also a big part of the reason why television is still used in Korea, as more convenient then phone or laptop.

  3. Ziyu Gan

    Hello Flinton,

    Your essay statement is very clear and supported by the evidence. It’s great that your supporting points have depth and are all from research and academic literature. Your essay is well-structured and still stay within the word count.

    I also agree that television plays a significant role in consumption and perception of contemporary popular culture in South Korea. Although the various means of multimedia, for example, like laptops and smartphones, are developing really fast nowadays, the position of television in spreading and promoting popular culture in South Korea is still irreplaceable.

    Back in the 1990s, when smartphones and laptops are not so common at that time, television is the only way that can help spreading Hallyu within South Korea and in other neighborhood and Asian countries such as Japan. Thanks to TV dramas like Winter Sonata and Full House. People get to know these charming Korean idols and Korean popular culture. As study shows that from 1995 to 2007, the exportation of Korean TV programs has increased from $5.5 million to $150.9 million, the dramatic increase indicates the positive effect of television in spreading and promoting Korean popular culture.

    Compared to other social medias like Youtube, instagram and facebook, another big advantage of TV program in promoting Korean popular culture is the timeliness of TV programs. On television, people can watch not only the replay but also direct broadcast. Which is really a big deal because it makes the audience feel engaged and immersive. As for the popular TV programs today like ‘Produce 101’, ‘Show Me the Money’ and such, they are more like talent show compared to k-dramas and thus participation of the audience is really important because the audience get to vote for their favorite stars or trainees in those TV programs. So when you are sitting in front of the television, watching the final completion of the TV program and voting for your favorite trainee, you feel really excited and thrilled because you know that what showing on the television is happening right now, right at this moment, and you are about to witness the birth of the new history (which trainee will get the most voting and final y get debuted). That’s why television is irreplaceable compared to other multi-medias.

  4. Lei Cao

    I agree with the points that “Television plays a significant role in consumption and perception of contemporary popular culture in South Korea, contrasting to western societies consumption of television.” I also agree with the points you write about the televisions impact on Koop. The quote Kim states “command over large screens still distinguish it from more mobile media platforms” in my opinion this is very true. The feel people get from watching on a big tv screen and a smaller mobile devices is totally different. People feel more comfortable and relaxing when watching a show on tv. Also many older people they get used to watch shows on tv. Back in the 90s ,people do not have other devices to watch shows on. Tv is their only entertainment. Families like to gather together and watch tv shows. Many people likes the vibe that the whole family sit together and watch tv. It is a lifestyle for them. You wrote “In South Korean pop culture, television is used as a mass distributor of K-pop through live TV music shows. Unlike western television, Korean media utilizes television to distribute their pop culture domestically, engaging fans through live voting and live broadcasting.” I also agree this point. There are many shows that they have live voting and broadcasting. For example, when people walk down on a street, they see their favorite idols on tv at a coffee shop. The television very good way to gain fans.

  5. zi yue wang

    Hi Flinton, I really enjoyed the variety of points that you bring up about Korea’s TV consumption that contributes to the continued flourishing of its music industry. Your introduction brings up many characteristics of Korean TV (simplicity, community, “liveness”) that I think would be even more helpful if you carried them throughout your analysis of music shows. I think with some rearrangement of your supporting paragraphs, this could become a very strong essay exploring the bidirectional relationship between K-pop and Korean TV. Thank you for this essay!

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