Literature Application(Lei Cao)

The reading i choose is “The good, the bad, and the forgiven: The media spectacle of South Korean male celebrities’ compulsory military service” by Yezi Yeo. The article’s main idea is that how media impacts the South Korean male celebrities’ compulsory military service. The article writes three examples on how military service can act as scandal, redemption, and promotion. Similarly, Rain also has scandal when he serves in military.
Every Korean male between 18 to 35 years old must serve in military for two years. Korean people view the military service as a holy baptism. It will make a boy a man. It will wash away one’s mistakes. Basically, it will make a bad guy into a good person. Steve Yoo used to be a role model for teenagers in Korea. Media reports that he abandoned his Korea citizenship in order to avoid going to the military. And because of that, the whole South Korea criticizes him. He is banned to enter Korea since then. From the previous example, we understand that Korea treat the military service seriously. Psy went to military twice due to his undutiful service performance at military. Although, he spend four years in military , he won trust and love of his fans and other people in Korea again. Actor Hyunbin was reported that he apply for navy service when he was shooting a TV Drama by media. The media and government compliment him because of his patriotic behaviour. Similarly, Rain has also been criticized by the media because of his behaviour in military. The media criticizes him that he goes on a date with female actor while on a military duty. He also takes about thirty more days off than non-celebrity soldiers. There are even few politicians thinks Rain should redo the military services. Luckily, Rain’s inappropriate behaviour in military did not cause too much negative impact on his career.
The media has differents effects on Steve Yoo, Psy, Hyunbin and Rain. However, Rain, Psy and Steve Yoo, they all have scandals at the time they serve in military.

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