Literature Application(Ziyu Gan)

As K-pop becomes recognized worldwide, it is no longer unusual to see provocative and sexual materials in Kpop music videos. In some extent, we can also say that Korean popular music is known for its sexual music videos. The youth, especially collage students, are the majority consumers of these Kpop music videos. Therefore, discussion has raised that does the exposer to sexual Kpop music videos affects the sexual attitudes of collage student? In my opinion, set Rain as an example, his music videos do have some negative influence on collage students attitude towards sex.
In the article, the author states that ‘humans have the capability to learn through symbolic environments, such as through media portrayals’ (Bandura 2002). Especially for young adults, when they are just starting to from their view towards the world, their attitude can be easily influenced by the content they are exposed to. For example, in Rain’s music video for “La Song”, Rain kissed an African girl and her boobs and butt suddenly got bigger. This scene has a sexual meaning and is also considered as female objectification. As the study shows in the article, collage boys who were exposed to highly sexual hip-pop videos shows the higher levels of objectification of female, stereotypes of gender attitudes and acceptance of rape myths.
However, the sexual scene in Kpop music video also have some positive influence. In Rain’s other music video “In My Bed”, for most of the time he’s shirtless and water’s dripping from his muscular body. Those scenes have sexual meaning but Rain’s masculine figure sets a good example for collage students as most of his male fans say they want to ‘be like him’.
In conclusion, there’s negative influence of sexual Kpop music videos on collage students, but there good influence as well.

Kistler, Michelle E., and Moon J. Lee. “Does exposure to sexual hip-hop music videos influence the sexual attitudes of college students?.” Mass Communication and Society 13, no. 1 (2009): 67-86.

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