The Water Element

In the Nitobe Garden, the main elements that were mentioned in Ryo Sugiyama’s presentation including water, stone, plants, and scenery objects were recognizable. One of the most interesting element that occupied a fairly large portion of the area of the garden would be the water element. In the Nitobe Garden, the visitors are able to see the different forms and shapes of water including bending, dropping, and reflecting. This photo is an example of the water bending and dropping: Dropping and Bending As one can see, the stream of water is dropping down from the deep end of the trees and is running on the riverbed of the compiled stones in an irregular bending shape or a zigzag shaped curve. The running water is creating small waterfalls that resembles small “water curtains” as it is running to the bottom of the stream and eventually reaches the large pond. This is another example of the water bending: BendingFurthermore, there is also an example of the water reflecting. ReflectingAs one can see in the photo, there is a clear and huge reflection of the scenery of the garden that is visible on the pond. The viewer would be able to enjoy the scenery of the garden and also the upside down version of the scenery that is reflected on the water. The water reflection adds a sense of peacefulness and tranquilness to the garden, provides an illusion that there is an identical world in the pond, and it also adds a sense of visual balance.


Sugiyama, Ryo. “Nitobe Garden.” Lecture, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, February 24, 2016.