Meeting start: 1:05 PM
Meeting adjourned: 1:40 PM
Chair: Mikale Fenton
Attendees: Mikale Fenton, Anna Ferri, Matthew Murray, Hedda Monaghan, Stepahnie Fan and Monica Swamiraj.
1. Previous meeting notes were approved. The last ‘official’ meeting was on Oct 15. We spoke briefly about the 2 meetings (in Dec + in Jan at Grad pub) that were not recorded.
2. Elections will be held in 2 weeks from now (week of 23rd). Mikale will touch-base with Eka and send out the dates.
3. Excel workshop
– Excel workshop will be conducted on the 24th.
– But Stephanie will not be available.
– Format: The goal of the workshop is to make SLAISers confident about working with Excel. Rather than a live demo of Excel, a list of resources for learning/mastering Excel will be presented. A handout will be distributed during the workshop and posted online after.
– Excel workshop will be conducted on the 24th.
– But Stephanie will not be available.
– Format: The goal of the workshop is to make SLAISers confident about working with Excel. Rather than a live demo of Excel, a list of resources for learning/mastering Excel will be presented. A handout will be distributed during the workshop and posted online after.
– LASSA meeting on the 24th. So schedule between 1 and 2 PM?
– Mikale will discuss with Samantha and get back on the final date
4. “Raspberry Pi” promotion event – ASIS&T bake sale!
– Date: Wednesday Mar 26 (11-2)
– Volunteers needed to bake/sell pies (Matthew, Eka, Hedda, Mikale bringing pies)
– We will have other baked goods as well (Stephanie, Monica can bring something)
– Signup sheet will be created in google docs and sent out
5. Funding
– How much money do we have?
From Eka: We have $150.00 at present.
– We discussed turning ASIS&T into AMS club for additional funding (and also to enable students from other disciplines to join) (not a formal motion yet)
From Eka: $100 which we’re supposed to receive every year, $300 for the two unconferences (70 for food and drink + extra for paying a guest speaker / gifts), and $300 for other since we’ve never asked for money before (including the $100 we are supposed to ask for).
– Can we apply to ASIS&T (the society) for funding? When?
From Eka: Submissions for funding from ASIS&T get submitted in September each year. We missed it last year because we didn’t know it was possible until October and I suggest we request $700.
6. Membership discussions
– should we trim google group?
– Or make AGM attendance mandatory for members and remove others from list?
– How do we get a quorum for the elections?
(No solution or formal motion put forward today)
7. Nominations for election
– Co-Chair position: Hedda
– Secretary: Monica
– Treasurer: Krista Parham
– Communications officer: Matthew / Eka
8. Maker Faire brainstorming
– Application will be submitted by Matthew by this Friday
– New ideas proposed today: Course recommendation game/ Arduino (vs Raspberry pie)
9. Feedback on Research Day
– Eric Meyers stopped by for a couple of minutes
– Said very good feedback for research day assistance
Next meeting: Mar 11 at 1, will be chaired by Eka. Because of the date confusion.
Action Items:
1. Mikale – discuss with Eka, finalize date for AGM, election
2. Mikale – discuss with Samantha, finalize date for Excel workshop
3. Stephanie – follow up with Danielle on details for Raspberry pie (kit constituents, price etc)
4. Matthew – submit application for Maker Faire by this Friday