3 thoughts on “Welcome to our class blog!

  1. yunjie long

    Thank you Therese for posting this inspiring blog-“Safe Around Goražde: Are We Safe from Mainstream Media?”! I really share my agreement with your statement that Safe Area Gorazde does more works on telling us the truth about history. We sometimes choose to remember and forget something and this is where the bias come from. Just like Persepolis, what Satrapi’s aim is to remember those heroes and alleviate the prejudice people elsewhere hold on Iran. They, unlikely to the mass media, both base their works on personal experience, thus deserve the first hand document. About the distinction between quality and quantity, to me there is no one triumph the other because memory is created through social context, through communication between institution and is a collective form of ideas and memory. It is inevitable to keep these ideas from influencing each other.

  2. Gabriel

    I went back to your first post. Its hard to believe that its already the last few days of our first semester.
    I wanted to comment on this particular post “The Effect of the New Interpretive Communities in my Life” because I can totally relate to it. Coming from a different country with a completely different culture is a big shock and although time makes it easier for us to get used to being here I still feel connected to those situations when the main topics of discussion at home where the killings of innocent people, the bad government and the overwhelming sense of corruption in every action the government takes. There is very little trust within my society in Mexico and that is something that has completely changes by being here. I don’t have to worry about so many things that are sadly going on in my country. I wish I could take some of what we live here and apply it back home.


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