Thank you all!

Hello readers!

It is the end of the year now and it has been quite an experience to have this group of people together in ASTU. I think everyone contributed to this class in different ways. Our class members come from all corners of the world and that gives us insight to many of the great ideas we all had in discussing literature relevant in this concept of being a global citizen. In ASTU more than learning about scholarly writing and better and more proper ways to rephrase our ideas we, have learned to look at the world through a different lens. We have moved from being confused with the many lines of a text in front of us back in September to understanding the meaning of the different movements authors make in scholarly writing. We can now identify them a lot more easily and even compose our own scholarly pieces of writing. We have, throughout this year, learned from each other and we have in a way created a community in which we can look at relevant events of our time through literature.

Reading all of the class’ blogs was really interesting this year; it gave us a wide range of opinions and views. This last post was mostly about what we have learned this year. Alex for example tells us “exploring literary and scholarly works that have arisen from these events has most definitely allowed me to gain a better understanding and knowledge of what it means to truly be a global citizen.” We were exposed to different kinds of texts which have made us change the way wee see things just like Joseph explains in his last blog post “our scholarly musings generally functioned more like a magnifying glass on the densely compacted troubles of our time.”
It is nice to see some reactions like Inneke’s, which is very similar to mine, where she tells us that she wasn’t amused with the idea of writing a blog, but here we are at the end of this second term, finding this blog as one of our favourite things in this class where we can all share.
Just like Melissa I feel like many of us saw many changes in our writing style during the course of the year and with that came improvement.
After all we have seen and dome this year I think it is fair to thank every member of this community for making it special and for making it work the way it did.

Thank you once more bloggers,

Gabriel Nogués

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