Origins of Genres

Today I would like to talk about how what Dr. Luger said in class today (26th November 2015) inspired me to come to realizations about genres and how they developed over time. When she said, “The genre of high school essays is a transitional genre to academic writing.” realized that this was a man made genre (high school 5-paragraph essays) with a particular purpose. This pushed me in to thinking about other genres such as horror, science fiction and romance and how they were formed.

According to my chain of thought science fiction, could be a product of human curiosity and creativity. Similarly, horror’s creators might be the human addiction to adrenaline the urge to get scared. Finally, romance is a result of human emotions. High School Essays, if you think in the same way, is a product of education as it is, in a sense, a way of entering the language of Academia.

Ultimately, Academic writing is designed in a way to communicate in a very specific and effective way. This relatively younger genre, indicates the evolution of genres in correlation with the advancement of human discovery. It is interesting to realize things like these that make the process of learning much more interesting.I just wanted to share my thoughts inspired by todays lecture as I had to miss the field trip last thursday.


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