Category Archives: Uncategorized

Cellphones as Microscopes

Here’s the video that we didn’t get a chance to show last class explaining attempts to use Cellphones as Microscopes in the developing world. There’s a WIRED article as well about the technology. See you guys on Tuesday! … Continue reading

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Great Use for Global Voices: Covering Ecuador

Global voices has been covering the recent police uprising and ensuing chaos in Ecuador. Great use for the website, as they are translating the important and seemingly verified spanish tweets as they came in. -Sam

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Revenge of the Right Brain

Check out this Article by wired. It was very though provoking on where we are moving as a “western society,” from the information age to the conceptual age. It seems very applicable to the learner we are doing in this … Continue reading

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The 25 most influential news media on Twitter

(From Alf’s blog,

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Kiva Extends Its Global Microlending Marketplace to Education by Adding Student Microloans

Check this out!  Kiva is now offering student loans to students in Bolivia, Paraguay, and Lebanon.  I believe this is truly the right direction to eliminate information poverty and the digital divide. This is a natural expansion of our mission … Continue reading

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Sensationalist media and computer viruses, 1988

Hey guys, In a totally non-serious and tangentially on-topic vein, check out this unintentionally hilarious news report from 1988 about an “insidious computer virus.” If anything, it shows how hilariously sensationalist the media can be and how far consumer technology … Continue reading

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Gaming Can Save the World

Hey guys, this is the ‘Epic Win’ TEDtalk I mentioned in class. needless to say, its quite badass

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Presentation Rubric

Hello All, Here’s the facilitation/presentation rubric that Caroline and I came up with on Friday night when we’d rather be out drinking. Let us know what you think. This is intended to be a collaborative exercise, so if you have … Continue reading

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Here we go!

Welcome to the course blog/website for ASTU400F: Democracy and Development in the Age of the Internet and New Media. This is a space for all of us in the course to gather our thoughts online, post items of interest, access … Continue reading

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