
This is a working blog for the Student Directed Seminar Development form the ‘Developing World’.

Course Code | ASTU 400N 001 & POLI 328C 001

Time | 13:00 – 14:30 (1pm – 2:30pm)

Days | Term 2 / Tuesday and Thursday

Location | Math 204 (close to Buchanan and Koernor’s Library and Geography, so you can make it in time!)

note: You can register in this course anytime between now and term 2 add/drop deadlines. The last day to withdraw from this course without a W standing is January 17, 2018.

note: It is a POLI course which will acquire a code later and your registration will be transferred. It also counts towards List B for International Relations Students.

  • This course will situate the implementation and application of development theories and practice in the Global South, focusing on development for and from within the Global South.
  • We will analyze development, looking more closely at various theories that influence it, the parameters that are considered successful and how those are affected by various lenses, countries and ideas.
  • We will delve deeper to look at public lead development, public-private partnerships, and regional trading blocs such as BRICS, development agencies, and banks in the Global South.
  • Through the writing and presentation of a Development Project Proposal, students will gain a solid grasp on how to analyze the implementation of development goals and their impact.

This may seem like a lot of work but we’re students too so we have tried to balance workload and learning. Check out our course journey for a weekly breakdown of whats happening!

Please comment if you are interested indicating your year of study and major, reason for your interest in this course, and topics you would like to see explored in this seminar.

Contact information

Chris /

Rohina /

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