
Participants will be expected to:

  • Provide the questions that will determine the class discussion.
  • Each week, a participant will share their concentration knowledge with the class summarizing the learnings from that week.
  • Add to the Google Sketchboard, allowing them to contribute to course material.
  • Seminarians will assist groups with improving their DPP in the last few weeks, as well as assess the final Proposal Presentations.

Due to the nature of student directed seminars, all seminarians will also be expected to:

  • Regularly and actively contribute to class discussion and learning.
  • Support their fellow seminarians with constructive feedback and advice throughout the term, as well as understanding the various backgrounds seminarians come from.
  • Enrich the learning process by suggesting readings and helping to guide the direction the course will take.
  • Collaboratively design the rubrics and standards that all seminarians will be held to in evaluation of assignments and projects.
  • Participate in the grading of assignments and projects, applying standards fairly and evenly.

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