Grading and Evaluation

All participants in this Student Directed Seminar will be active and responsible for grading and evaluations. Feedback will also be an important part of the course, and all participants will be expected to contribute. As such, this seminar should be considered to be a slightly more intensive course.

Grades will be broken down as follows (this is subject to change):

Weekly Question (10%)

Weekly questions will be marked for completion and used in discussion. Questions will be based on readings.

Presentation on Concentration Country (15%)

A 10-15 minute presentation on your concentration country, based on your ongoing research and connected to that week’s theme and readings.

Blog Posts (30%)

Using UBC Blogs, all seminarians will update a blog regularly with details on their research about their concentration country in a professional format. Grading will also include two required ‘feedback’ comments on colleagues’ posts.

Development Project Proposal (45%)

This final project will be scaffolded into all other learning and assignments during the year. Seminarians will create a detailed Development Project Proposal based around their concentration country. More details can be found on the next page!

Please note that this course does NOT have a midterm or final.

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