Seminarians will be encouraged to suggest readings that match the theme of each week!
This page will be updated as readings are added to the syllabus.
Week 1: Overview and setting standards for participation and grading
Week 2: Development as a trajectory and North-South Development Practice Critique
Arturo Escobar: Encountering Development (Chapter)
Istanbul Principles of Effective Development
Bernstein, Henry, “Studying development/development studies”, 2006 (18)
“Background Study for the Development Cooperation Forum: Trends in South-South and triangular development cooperation”, 2008. Sections 2, 3, 4.
Week 3: Emergence of South – South Development
“State of South-South cooperation” Report of the Secretary-General, 2017 (18)
Bry, Sandra H, “The Evolution of South-South Development Cooperation: Guiding Principles and Approaches,” 2016 (11)
Wexing, CUI, “Comparison Between North-South Aid and South-South Cooperation: Based on the Analysis of the New Development Finance Institutions,” 2016 (7)
Week 4: Development Agents – States
Senona, Joseph, “BRIC and IBSA Forums: Neo-liberals in Disguise or Champions of the South,” 2010 (4)
Case Study of BRICS – Russia, India, and South Africa
Channels of Aid
Burges, Sean W, “Building a global southern coalition: the competing approaches of Brazil’s Lula and Venezuela’s Chávez,” 2007 (15)
Sidiropoulos, Elizabeth, “Emerging ‘Donor’, Geopolitical Actor: South Africa in the Global Terrain”, 2012 (15)
Week 5: Development Agents – International Organizations
Pathologies: Barnett and Finnemore: “The Politics, Power, and Pathologies of International Organizations” (Select pages)
Environmental Negotiation in COP for AOSIS
Non Allied Movement – Bandung Conference
Esteves, Paulo and Assuncao, Manaira, “South-South cooperation and the international development battlefield: between the oecd and the UN,” 2014 (17)
Weber, Eberhard, “Envisioning South-South relations in the fields of environmental change and migration in the Pacific Islands – past, present and futures”, 2015 (21)
Week 6: Development Agents – Regional Organizations and Multilateralism
Financing Incentives and Structures
Religion and Development
Sosale, Sujatha et al, “Framing cooperation among regional economic powers: The South in global spheres of influence,” 2016, (20)
From a journalism perspective, what are some ways the Global South perceives regional influence?
Shelepov, A. “New and Traditional Multilateral Development Banks, Current and Potential Cooperation,” 2017 (21)
Kharas, Homi; Makino, Koji and Jung, Woojin, “New Development Partners and a Global Development Partnership,”2011 (24)
Amenga-Etego, Rose Mary, “Engaging the religiocultural quest in development: An African indigenous perspective”, 2016 (7)
Hernandez, Diego; Vadlamannati, Krishna Chaitanya, “Politics of religiously motivated lending: An empirical analysis of aid allocation by the Islamic Development Bank”, 2016 (20)
Week 7: Development Agents – International NGOs & Areas of Collaboration
Aga Khan Foundation
International NGOs role in development
Collaborating with governments
Development Cooperation Framework
Appe, Susan, “Directions in a Post-aid World? South-South Development Cooperation and CSOs in Latin America,” 2017 (20)
“Boosting South-South Cooperation in the Context of Aid Effectiveness”, 2010 (106)
Week 8: Analyzing Stakeholders & Developing new paradigms for impact assessment in South-South Development
Development project stakeholders, incentives and calculating impact on them
Asset Based Community Development
Workshop: Develop alternative ways of calculating impact
UNDP PME Handbook Sections: 1.2; 2.2; 3.4
Jean Huge et al. “Conceptualizing the Effectiveness of Sustainability Assessment in Development Cooperation,” 2015 (18)
“Unlocking the Potential of South-South Cooperation: Policy Recommendations from the Task Team on South-South Cooperation”, 2011 (10)
Week 9: Determining Value for Results & Cost Benefit Analysis – Goal Setting
MDGs to SDGs (what is different in terms of impact)
SDGs and incorporating long-term impact assessment tools
UNDP PME Handbook Sections: 7 (7.1-7.5)
Agrawal, Subhash, “Emerging Donors in International Development Assistance: The India Case”, 2008 (17)
Week 10: Cost Benefit Analysis Tools – Focusing on Beneficiaries and ‘Externalities’
Cost Benefit Analysis tools used for project development
Indigenous Amazonian Development Projects
Week 11: Developing new paradigms for impact assessment of South-South development
Asset based community development (revisit)
Microfinance and Micro-credit in Bangladesh – How can a community initiate development
Microfinance in Uganda
“Background Study for the Development Cooperation Forum: Trends in South-South and triangular development cooperation”, 2008. Sections 7, 8.
Constatine, Jennifer, and Shankland, Alex, “From Policy Transfer to Mutual Learning,” 2017 (22)
Week 12: Presentations and Grading
Week 13: Presentations and Grading