Materials related to Missing Sarah & Blog Post 5 Options

I’ve gathered some links for you, both recommended and required, to check out that relate to Missing Sarah:

  • Required: For Tues, Nov 22, please watch this CBC interview with Maggie and Jeanie de Vries (~9 minutes long).
  • Recommended: you may want to read this interview, “You May Think That, But,” with Maggie de Vries in the journal Canadian Literature, in which she discusses how she wrote Missing Sarah. *Note: link goes to database page: you will need to be logged in through UBC Library / your CWL to access it. If the link doesn’t work, put the title into Summon.
  • Recommended: You might be interested in checking out a couple of films related to Missing Sarah: one is Through a Blue Lens (full-length via YT), a “scared-straight” anti-drug documentary made by the Vancouver Police on the Downtown Eastside, featuring the life narratives of several addicts. (If you watched it in high school, I’d recommend watching it again in this new context.) There is also a new feature-length film, On the Farm, that tells the story of the women killed by Pickton, using a fictionalized composite character. (Watch the whole thing here, through the CBC.) I haven’t seen this film yet and therefore can’t gauge how graphic or upsetting it might be – practice self-care if you decide to check it out.

Blog Post 5 (due at noon, Nov 21. Remember late posts are not accepted):

For our final post this term, you have 2 options:

  1. Write a standard research post. This can be a good place to try out some of the ideas of your lit review, for example, or to explore new materials.
  1. Create an auto/biographical representation – a gif, self-portrait, playlist, spoken word performance, whatever – that you share in the blog along with a description of about 300 words that reflects on the process of creating it. Explain the choices you made, including choice of genre and medium, content, etc., and how it works to represent you, or some aspect of you, or to reflect on or summarize an experience (“my first term at UBC,” perhaps?). Remember the posts are public to anyone with a CWL.frida_kahlo_self_portrait

Frida Kahlo, Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird.

Fair use,