Task 9: Network Assignment

Posted by in ETEC 540, Weekly Assignments

When analyzing the visualizations and reflecting on the implications and outcomes of their generations, I couldn’t help but be reminded on my own experience with choosing the tracks and I wondered how others selections were impacted because of the given and limited track selections themselves?

For example, when looking at the number of edges between Pamela Treadway and Nataliia Kudryk, the information shows that they link on four tracks: 1, 16, 18, and 27. However, I remember that I choose many of the songs just to make the required 10, and not because I genuinely wanted them on my list. This causes me to wonder about whether or not these are actual true connections for these to curators/participants, or if they might have chosen them too because of the limited parameters of the selection and not because they were of genuine choice, and therefore aren’t actually a true relationship.

When I think about what was missing from this data for me, it songs that I actually liked. Having had to choose 10 out of a given 27 songs, I also would argue that it was assumed that I would actually want to choose 10 from those 27 songs, when in fact I actually would have chosen only two. This leads to a misinterpretation of the data given that it would have falsely connected the remaining 8 of my choices as “relationships” with others that made these similar choices. Something that was also left out was why I didn’t choose the other songs (because many were undesirable for me), and why I did choose them (because I the task required me to choose 10 when I only would have chosen two).

We were given the choice of 10 out of 27 items. I wonder if the same connections would be found if we could choose 10 out of 100 items or 10 out of 1,000,000 items? I am doubtful. But I do wonder, with given a larger option of tracks to choose from, how might these edges between us be the same and how might these edges be different?