Task 12: Speculative Futures

Posted by in ETEC 540, Weekly Assignments

A day with an iPhone.html

It was a struggle for me to create a futuristic speculative narrative. So, I adapted and created something that was meaningful to my own learning: creating a speculative narrative that imagined, instead, how a teenager might experience their relationship with media, education, text and technology today.

Inspired by Dr. Shannon Vallor’s mirror metaphor, I created my narrative to speculate a teenager of today because I think this is relevant for me as an educator today and because it was an entry point to look at where we are today as a way to further understand where we might go tomorrow.

There were so many elements and circumstances that I could have included in speculating the narrative of a teenager today, but the main thing I took from this is that we (including teenagers) still have choice within our relationship with media, education, text, and technology. This why I chose Twine as my creation platform, because it is also reflective of choice. With that, this task has helped me narrow down what might be my clearest distinction between utopian and dystopian of a future: the awareness and privilege (or lack thereof) of choice.