Oral vaccination is achieved by mixing feed with vaccine (Press and Lillehaug, 1995). The fish then engulf the feed and associated vaccine.
Pros of Oral Vaccination
- Welfare considerate relative to injection vaccination since no physical penetration by a needle is required thus eliminating any chance of local reactions, spinal deformities, intra-abdominal distortion or lesions, and granulomata
Cons of Oral Vaccination
- Fish co-operation is required; the fish need to be feeding otherwise they will not ingest enough vaccine to elicit a strong humoral response
- Expensive method since large amounts of vaccine is required
- Weak strength & short duration of immunity provided relative to injection vaccination
Economic Concerns
- Relatively weak strength & short duration of immunity provided by vaccine meaning this method is not commonly used; the costs outweigh the short term immunity
- Excess amount of vaccine is required since salmon uptake is low and time consuming relative to injection vaccination, adding to production costs.