Samsung Ad repositioning the iPhone 5

The Next Big Thing is Already Here – Samsung Galaxy S3 Ad

With the endless lawsuits and patent wars, it seems like both Apple and Samsung have had to up their game in order to compete with each other.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 was released 3 months before the iPhone 5, in the video the customers waiting outside the expressed their frustration of having to stand in line every time, using voice tones that may make the new specifications of iPhone 5 sound amateur compared to those the S3 has. It later portrayed the iPhone as a phone used by older people.

At the same time the advertisement showed the specifications of the S3, attacking those of iPhone and showing the audience how late Apple is in the market.

This advertisement used the perspective of consumers, especially iPhone fans, and showed how their preference can change when they further understand what Samsung has that Apple doesn’t.

It appeals more to iPhone consumers, but at the same time show the rest of the audience what the S3 can offer compared to what’s lacking in the iPhone. All in all, this advertisement is very successful, but has consumer preferences changed? Only the numbers will tell.


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