Austerity Measures? We Don’t Need it.

The Eurozone Crisis seems to be the one topic that has been in the media’s attention for the longest. Since the recession in 2008, some countries have had harder times recovering than others, and Greece seems to struggle the most. Two bailouts have been granted for the country, but as deadlines to meet the deficit approaches, the people seem less willing to cooperate with the austerity policies imposed by the government.
Austerity cuts have led to walkouts and strikes led by unions across Europe, these actions are met with both support and criticism. Walkouts due to austerity measures may cause the economy of the country to deteriorate; if money isn’t flowing through the economy, the situation will only worsen. However, it can also be argued that those who are hit the hardest by these measures are never those with power or those who are already wealthy. The cuts imposed by the government may lead to further income inequality, propelling more violent clashes regarding this situation in the future. Whether the governments of these countries will impose an alternative method or continue with the current one, the only certain thing those outside the clashes know is that this fight between policy-makers and the unions will not be resolved soon.

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