This is in response to Griffin Peirce’s blog post, “Brewpubs: Where value proposition enables a direct business model.” In this post he describes how he was inspired to find an example of the direct model and found it in brewpubs. I found the topic of brewpubs very interesting and relatable. Recently, a microbrewery called “Persephone Brewing Company” has opened in my small town of Gibsons, BC. A brewpub is a microbrewery, but differs as it is usually associated with having a restaurant attached. I have also often thought about the unique business strategies of these microbreweries. It is fascinating that so many similar businesses have opened that are essentially the same, yet still attract consumers. In a recent article it was reported that there is now ninety-one microbreweries in British Columbia, twenty-eight of these opened in 2014. This demonstrates that this lucrative business is still growing at a rapid rate. I agree with Griffin that this is most likely due to the fact that consumers like the idea of a direct model for a product such a beer. Yet, it makes me curious if this is a trend, or if it would work for other food or beverage products. I would be interested in a fresh product using this model and discovering if it works.
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