RE: Snap Spectacles

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This blog post is a response to Drew Evans’s recent post about the Snap Inc.’s, formerly known as Snapchat, new “spectacular spectacles” called the Snap Spectacles. I was very intrigued with Drew’s thoughts on how the success of the Snap Spectacles would be dependent on being socially accepted. However, I think an important factor is how they market the value propositions of the Snap Spectacles. What solutions are they providing their customers? And what are the benefits of utilizing the Snap Spectacles?


If I were to summarize the value propositions for Snap Inc. it would have to be that, they are targeting unique and hipster (someone who follows the latest trends) individuals between the ages of 18-34 who use Snapchat on a daily basis and fear missing an opportunity to upload important or entertaining moments of their lives; hence wanting a convenient and efficient method of recording videos and taking photos then uploading it onto Snapchat. Therefore, Snap Inc. has created and implemented one of the smallest wireless video cameras onto their sunglasses, It gives the user a chance to capture the important moments that they would have missed out on. In addition, they are the first ones to create such a product solely focusing on enhancing the Snapchat experience, making the Snap Spectacles different and unique then other wearable tech.

With this unique value proposition for the Snap Spectacles, Snap. Inc. should advertise heavily, so that potential consumers understand that with this new product they can “capture the most important and entertaining moments in their day-to-day lives”. The take-away is that Snap Inc. needs to explain to consumers that the Snap Spectates are worth the hefty $130 USD price tag ($170.82CAD).


Katz, L., & Moyer, E. (2016, September 24). Snapchat Spectacles, glasses with a camera, coming this fall. Retrieved October 16, 2016, from

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