Must Do: Intern Like a Rock Star

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After spending some time on the internet, I came across Mr. Kawasaki’s handy blogpost on the “must do’s” to “intern like a rock star”. Mr. Kawasaki, a Silicon-Valley based author, speaker, entrepreneur and a marketing specialist, writes about how to leave a lasting impression on your employers; he mentions a few general but helpful tips that students can utilize to get the most out of their internship.

Mr. Kawasaki goes over some general tips such as, dressing appropriately and being on time or even better getting there early. Kawasaki explains that more you can dress to fit into the office culture, the better your co-workers will be able to visualize you as being apart of the team. In addition, Mr. Kawasaki emphasized that you have to be a self starter as not all managers are good at delegating work, therefore you need to take the initiative to find work or even ask for; as he expresses “Nothing is worse then seeing an intern sitting around because he has nothing to do”.

Furthermore, Mr. Kawasaki explains by researching your employers before hand, you can be aware of who an individual is and what kind of role they have within the firm. In addition, by analyzing photos and examining your future co-workers body language and facial expressions you can get an idea of what the organizational culture and individuals are like.

Personally I think all his tips will help an individual immerse into the company cultural, which in turn will help make the most out of your internship. By dressing appropriately and going to work early will represent a student like myself as professional, capable, enthusiastic, and a “go-getter”, which would allow for an individual to ease into the company’s culture and environment. And by being compatible with the people you work with will improve the quality of your work.

I find the words of wisdom said by Mr. Kawasaki interesting and useful, and I hope others are also able to use his utilize the information given from his blogpost.

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