Benefits of Telecommuting

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After a few weeks in our organizational behaviors class, we discussed the different methods of creating a more flexible workplace, such as offering employees flextime, job sharing or telecommuting options. However, I want to focus on the aspects that make telecommuting so beneficial.


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Telecommuting comes with a lot of benefits for employees, as they are exposed to less distractions, disrupted less and enjoy the benefit of a reduced commute. Which overall boosts the productivity of the worker which is also beneficial to the employers too. Furthermore, employers also enjoy many benefits by offering their employees the option to telecommute; Employers enjoy a reduce in unscheduled absences which save them the money and stress of finding someone to cover absentee’s shift, employers are able to hire skilled workers in different geographical workers, thus increasing the talent pool within the company, and lastly, employers also lose less employees to attrition, which save them money as it is expensive to replace, recruit and train a skilled worker.


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I see myself working as a telecommuter in the future. It would allow me to choose when and where I work, satisfying my need for autonomy and a sense of empowerment. And again due to my ability to choose when I work, it allows me to balance my time between work and my personal life.  All these aspects are very attractive and valuable to me. However there are characteristics you have to possess in order to be a successful telecommuter such as being adaptable, self-starter and have collaborative attitude, to list just a few.

With more and more telecommuting jobs being readily available, individuals like myself should look into job opportunities that offer telecommuting as an option and test if its a suitable option for them.




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