RE: The World Got Trump’d

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This blog post is a response to Mia Carnie’s recent post about the controversial inaugurations of one of the most unpopular presidents of all time. Carnie discusses the Women’s March that occurred world-wide and the difference in values that are currently present between Donald Trump and a large portion of Americans. And thus, the goal of the march was to preserve human rights and core values that were most likely going to be compromised under Donald Trump’s leadership. Carnie brings up issues such as the executive order banning travel from seven different Muslim countries and banning funding to organizations that are pro-abortion.

However, I want to discuss another major issue that is arising on something that many Americans depend on and that’s the Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare”. One of Trump’s many promises if elected as the POTUS, was to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

The reform of ACA will be very crucial for Americans and depends on the values in which the Donald Trump wants to align himself with. Because I am more of a collectivist then individualist, I personally believe that every single person should have access to healthcare for an affordable price. Not only will more people have access to healthcare, but I believe that it can create other beneficial effects within society. An example would be an increase in productivity within a company, due to healthier patients and their ability to focus on work rather then worry about health problems or the cost of receiving treatment. However, big companies that must cover their employees they might disagree due to the increase in operating costs.

(Word Count 275)

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