RE: Money and Job Satisfaction

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In Ethan Ethier’s blog post, he talks about the misconception of job satisfaction being correlated to how much income you earn. Referring to a Forbes article on “Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness At Work, Ethan mentions that many “employee satisfaction surveys have indicated that “money and compensation are not as important for happiness as is having core values and culture, senior leadership, balance and a positive working life”. I think that is especially true for millennials and my generation, centennials. Although, millennials and centennials could be motivated to a certain degree with flexible work packages, higher salaries and benefits I don’t think it is what genuinely motivates them.


            (Image Source: Satisfied Millennial)


Millennials and centennials are much more intrinsically motivated, as they are known to be optimistic and more of a meaning based generation, thus they naturally gravitate towards intrinsic motivators. I think that managers have many avenues to help intrinsically motivated employees succeed and thrive in an organization. Managers can empower employees by delegating meaningful tasks, giving the employee a sense of autonomy. It also gives the employee a sense of meaningfulness as they are pursuing important and worthwhile tasks. Managers can also monitor and reward employees for achieving a goal or reaching a milestone, giving an employee a sense of progress. Additionally, by rewarding them it gives the employee a sense of competence, they feel accomplished and feel good job carrying out challenging tasks. By using these strategies and setting up an environment as mentioned above, millennials and centennials will likely be more effective and efficient in the organization and also possibly develop an affective commitment to the organization.

(Word Count 266)

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