TOMS (Sporting Life)

Everyone knows TOMS. It is one of the most popular shoes brand in the world. However, do we really know about this brand?

In the article ‘Buy one give one is here to stay thanks to TOMS’, the author talks about the meaning of TOMS. TOMS is a shoe company which was started by Blake Mycoskie. Mycoskie felt compelled to help poor children who went shoeless. However rather than starting a charitable organization to raise money to provide shoes to children in need, Mycoskie chose to start an entrepreneurship. He thought ‘why not create a for-profit business to help provide shoes for these children? Why not come up with a solution that guaranteed a constant flow of shoes, rather than being dependent on kind people making donations? In other words. Maybe the solution was in entrepreneurship, not charity.’

Mycoskie’s ideas gave me an epiphany. It is true that all entrepreneurships love profit. However, are all entrepreneurships started because of earning profit? Look at TOMS, is this entrepreneurship started because of money? The profit that they earned from the customers is going back to the people who in need. In other words, customers who buy TOMS shoes are also involved in helping In the years of TOMS, ’10 million shoes given, 200,000 people with restored eyesight and now the start of clean water.’ This entrepreneurship is not a normal entrepreneurship, it is a social entrepreneurship which trying to help and solve social issues in the world. I personally really like the concept of this entrepreneurship.


  1. Haid, P. (n.d.). Buy one give one is here to stay thanks to TOMS. Retrieved November 11, 2014, from
  2. Toms Shoes | Sporting Life. (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2014, from


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