Make yourself Unique!

Koala (Cuddling koalas is big business for Sydney private zoo, BBC)

In a competitive market, competitors are everywhere. Businesses have to make themselves unique to attract consumers in order to survive in this cruel world.

There are more than 90 accredited zoos in Australia, which means there is highly competitive wildlife tourism market there. For businesses to be succeed, they have to have its strategy to gain high consumption in order to compete with other businesses; otherwise, they will get eliminated. The Featherdale Wildlife Park which located in Sydney is a successful business which has its unique selling point to attract consumers and to survive in such a highly competitive Wildlife tourism market. ‘

Do not feed the animals’ is the sign you will see at zoos, however it is not the sign you will see in Featherdale Wildlife Park. Featherdale Wildlife Park offers unique hands on experience. This ‘hands on experience’ is the unique selling point of Featherdale Wildlife Park and it attracts dozens of visitors. For businesses which facing large amount of competitors, it is very important for them to understand what consumer want and why they want to consume your product or services. Featherdale Wildlife Park understands this, and offers ‘hands on experience’ because they know visitors who come to zoos should be the one who love and want to understand native animals in Australia. By offering ‘hands on experience’, Featherdale Wildlife Park not only making itself special, but also allows visitors get close to native animals and which satisfies consumers’ want.


1. Mercer, P. (n.d.). Cuddling koalas is big business. BBC News. Retrieved October 2, 2014, from

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