Apple CEO Tim Cook: “For too long, too many people have had to hide that part of their identity in the workplace.”
Blog post inspired from: http://money.cnn.com/2013/11/04/news/companies/apple-cook-discrimination/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
Apple’s very own argues protection for LGBTs
If you had a different sexual orientation to everyone else, would you still like to be regarded as the same person? Would you want to work somewhere where you would be seen as… different… weird… queer…?
I think we all know the answer to that question. Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, an influential person no doubt, is leading the tech industry into a field unknown. That of human rights. In fact, this translates into an embodiment of Apple’s employee culture. Without doubt, this topic ties right in with Ethics and even Corporate Social Responsibility.
For a firm to be accepting of all individuals, they must begin doing so within their structure. Therefore, commenting on public issues and paving the path for real issues to be solved, is a way of doing so. As Cook believes, it is unfair to fire someone based on their sexual orientation. This brings about many perspectives from various areas, and to take a stand against such a public issue is daring and courageous.
Essentially, Cook is opening up his firm to the urban society around it. By accepting all types of people, those same people will accept the firm into their lives… Workplace equality is established!
Word Count: 200
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Read Tim Cook’s actual opinion column on this issue right here! –