Bridging the Cultural Gap

Google’s best advertisement yet. Such a classic topic, but regarded as one which is so controversial,  no one talks about it. The troubled history between India and Pakistan. This advertisement is bold in so many ways, and Google has clearly taken a leap here in connecting with the Indian and Pakistani audiences.

There is something profound in this advertisement, which is that of its truth and nature of the story. It is a fantastic example of when a company tries to bridge the cultural gap between its customers, and the firm. Sometimes, a firm needs to do something as bold as this, to really strike a powerful message. Google has done exactly that, by touching on such an un-talked about subject, and then associating that issue to its product.

There will always be a time when a firm needs to connect with its customers. To do so, there needs to be a certain understanding between the two parties. This can be established through an advertisement like this one. It is truly touching in itself, and in the message it portrays of bringing together lost friends in the separation between Indian and Pakistan. Definitely a huge leap of faith by Google.

Word Count: 200

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Post inspired from the article –

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