Surviving a Crisis Zone

Blog post inspired from the article –


Running a business in a politically unstable environment can be tough. Many of us do not imagine ourselves in such circumstances. However, thousands of business owners are actually in such situations. War zones, politically unstable countries, civil riots… These can be extremely disastrous to a company’s success. The issue here is, how do small businesses survive in such a hot environment?

Being in a constant crisis environment for a business can be extremely unsettling, both financially and literally, for its infrastructure. Therefore, there are certain steps which can be taken to minimise the effect of the environment on the business itself. In my opinion, the following are suggestions which can be implemented.

Firstly, they can conduct an internal and external assessment (PEST) of factors which may affect them. These include external forces (Economic, Political, Technology, Social etc.). Next, they can identify strategies and evaluate steps to take in order to minimise the effect of these external forces on business. Finally, they can set long-term objectives to help them achieve a more stable business environment, therefore becoming more predictable and successful.

Overall, surviving a crisis zone can be difficult, but can be overcome if the right strategies are implemented.

Word Count: 199

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