Cosmetics are everywhere. In your bathroom, in your purse, on your face… Did you ever think about the production process of cosmetics? For example your favorite M.A.C. lipstick? Mix some chemicals, pigments, a little bit perfume, put all of them in a fancy bottle and don’t forget to put a price tag on it. Make it expensive because many people would think that expensive means good quality. Here you go, now you can start up your own cosmetics line. But there is one more step behind cosmetics; many cosmetics companies test their products on animals. Torturing animals with chemicals, burning their eyes and killing them are definitely against business ethics.

The list of the companies that do tests on animals includes very big and famous brands like Avon and Estee Lauder. Although it was known that Avon and Estee Lauder are cruelty free brands, in 2012 PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) revealed that these brands pay money for animal testing. Chinese government forces brands to test their products on animals before selling them in China and this is why Estee Lauder and Avon are no longer cruelty free. “We would like to confirm that our commitment to end animal testing everywhere has not changes. Our products are not tested on animals except when absolutely mandated by law.” says a spokesman from Estee Lauder. It is the customer’s choice to boycott such brands or not but people should keep in mind that according to PETA over 100 million animals die just in U.S.A because of animal testing.



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