The Arc Initiative is a special program at the Sauder School of Business which promotes social entrepreneurship in developing countries such as Ethiopia, South Africa and Colombia. Students who take part in the Arc Initiative travel to these developing countries and educate them on how to be entrepreneurs by giving them a helping hand in starting up their business in the beginning (teaching them how to manage funds, sell their product etc.). The United Nations’ purpose is to help fund developing countries who are struggling economically by providing them with monetary resources.

Students at the Sauder School of Business who are involved in the Arc Initiative program are making tremendous positive changes in the developing world.
The question posed here is “If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise?”
My response to this is that the Arc Initiative actually instils qualities in people in the developing countries so that they can help sustain the economical success that they may encounter. Whereas the United Nations just gives money to these countries and educates the government on how to spend it. I feel that it is more important to begin implementing values in the people who determine how the economy does and build future leaders- the citizens of the country.