reflections II 2014

Posted by in GRS


Coffee. What other drink option would complement the phrase “day-to-day” besides coffee?

Tim’s or Moneybucks, or Vlendz may have been better representation of the phrase even more so but, this cup of coffee should suffice.

It is surprising how day-to-day, the daily routine stays pretty much the same but, at certain moments during the day, time seems to flow by dreadfully slow, such that one could potentially assume the river of time had hit a lake where its calm surface waters show no sign of movement. Yet once again as January stealthily approaches one is reminded not to be fooled by supposed outward appearances, as evidently enough, time indeed has rushed by. Time is always an intriguing subject and one could oft dream of going back in time 20 years, 10 years, 5 years ago…or even yesterday and imagine what they could have done differently now that they know “…” so on and so forth. However, the past is in the past and while one may have dreams of their past, those dreams will remain as dreams. Looking towards the future is a different matter altogether; dreams about the future have the potential to become reality.

If there was one key theme that I would draw from my coursework over the term would be how the current state of things, such as: the current state of our food system; the built environment of our home, school and city that surrounds us; the content of museums and what is being mounted on the walls of exhibitions; even to the topics being discussed in GRS, are accumulations of past experiences and thus are reflections of what has passed, conditioned by history to pre-exist and through time has visibly come to be. Likewise, the self I am today is more or less a resultant of all my past experiences.

Knowing this then, what I do present-day is currently shaping the future of my future. Thus, in order to achieve my goals and dreams for my future, I need to go beyond simply planning to achieve such goals but also focus on what kind of person I want to become on the inside – how do I want to mature as? As Lewis Mumford put it in The Culture of Cities (1938, Introduction), “Mind takes form in the city; and in turn, urban forms condition mind.” then it sounds like I need to have a much broader, clearer vision of who I want to become, as that future self of me will surely influence the future of the future me.