In an attempt to keep up with the ever-evolving digital age, Yellow Media has decided to cut down their Pages sector, firing 300 workers in the process in order to cut costs in an area that is going extinct. Despite the hundreds of employees being laid-off, the company explains that many of these people will be considered for new technology jobs that they will offer for their new digital approach. Although this is a relatively new decision, as Yellow Media continues to expand their company and product with the direction of the world, hopefully the company should continue to prosper. It is apparent from many other companies that a failure to evolve with the technological world will result in demise. For example, Canada Post failed to create new ways to generate revenue despite the decreasing popularity in mail service, resulting in major revenue losses for the company as well as the necessity for the government to subsidize Canada Post. Another example could be Blackberry; as the company failed to keep up with its competitors Apple and Android, Blackberry fell behind in technological advances and thus lost all demand in the market. Yellow media’s switch to digital technology will result in the loss of 300 jobs; however, by not switching to digital technology perhaps all of the companies jobs are at risk. Hopefully this will allow them to maintain or grow their client base as well as advance in this field to put them on a better footing for the future.
Yellow Media cuts pages jobs as firm takes increases in digital direction: