Microsoft and Nokia Join Forces

As Apple and Google continue to dominate the smart phone market, a new competitor may soon be added to the mix as Nokia and Microsoft plan to join forces. Because people are demanding less PC’s, Microsoft has been forced to invest in a new production line of smart phones and tablets; and what better way to enter the business than to team up with Nokia? In a 7.6 billion dollar deal, the two companies will merge sometime next year in efforts to contend with the already successful companies in the market. As history shows, coming into a new market is not easy; when Microsoft came out with their own version of the tablet, it proved to be unsuccessful and paled in comparison to competitors. But perhaps focussing on the strengths of both Microsoft and Nokia individually will give them an edge in the market and allow for joint success. Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, has also recently resigned, leaving the question of who will take on the new responsibility in this new market. With multiple changes in place for the upcoming year, the emerging partnership will target the business customer base in hopes of beating out Blackberry completely and appealing to a broader range of consumers in order to surpass top companies in popularity.

Video: CBC News: Microsoft Buys Nokia

Nokia CEO (Stephen Elop) and Microsoft CEO (Steve Ballmer) join forces.

CBC News: Business; Microsoft Buys Nokia Smartphones, Services in $7.6B Deal;

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