Linking project: link #1: Abraham Kang

So, Abe Kang is my final choice for this list. Why? Well, I really like his name, Abraham Kang; Abe; Abe Kang; maybe Kang to his buddies. I am always surprised when designers choose dark backgrounds with light text. Maybe it doesn’t matter if the text is particularly readable. I am text-bound, but not in the way one might think. I mean that I am always looking for the story. What’s the story of this space? this room? this town? this wall I’ve been staring at . . .

I got so sick of story that I stopped reading in 2005. I’d read Life of Pi, Fall on Your Knees, and some other horrifyingly Canadian horrifyingly fucking depressing fiction that summer. I couldn’t take it any more. So I just stopped. But I couldn’t stop looking for story.

So, Abe’s place. The title, TEXT TECHNOLOGIES, ETEC 540, dominates the space. On my little Macbook Pro, that’s about all I see on any page I move to. That’s a bit of an exaggeration. I also get the forward/back keys and the title of the page I’m on. Everything but what matters: what’s on the page. Typical site design. I have to scroll down to see the content, on every page, with TEXT TECHNOLOGIES, ETEC 540, screamed out at me as though I might forget by the time I get to the next page. Which I might. I’ve got a gap where my short term memory goes. It’s been a problem all my life.

When I was 16, I worked at Sears, as a teen fashion representative (laugh). People whispered that I got the job because it was a high school initiative and my dad was a aprincipal, but my father never did me a favor in his life.

I was dating a guy named Pat at the time, a darkly red-headed, body-freckled tennis player with a snub nose and white smile. I remember him as always wearing tennis whites, and his eyes always looked about to cross, somehow. He had his own ideas about funny, and he found my non-existent short-term memory hilarious. And he devised an experiment.

He introduced me to his friend, Jack, one afternoon. Later, he bet Jack that I would not remember him, and that Pat could re-introduce Jack and I would think I’d never set eyes on him.

Of course, it worked.

I can remember almost every phone number I’ve had since the age of 11 (and it’s a lot of phone numbers) but introduce me to someone and the next day they are lost to me . . . tell me your phone number and I might call you up in 30 years (but not remember who you are) . . . lol . . .

So, maybe that’s why I chose Abe’s space. His insistence on repeating the name of his site, TEXT TECHNOLOGIES, ETEC 540, reminded me of a happy time in my life, with a guy named Pat, who once sang, “You are so beautiful to me,” [to me] in a Big Boy Restaurant before asking me to be his girl.


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