Comment on “Unplugged and Unproductive”

by Baoyi Chen (Jennifer)

Blog post link:

This blog post of Sun Jie has attracted my attention as he said that businesses nowadays are going online, and in his opinion it is a great thing as smart phones and network are being common and popular, going online and going mobile cut companies’ cost as these methods do not require much human resources, therefore no salary needed to pay for the workers and less mistakes could be made.

I did not fairly agree with what Sun Jie stated as I believe that human resources are crucial to a company’s survival value. Refer to what we have discussed in class, Zappos was a good example of showing how human resources and the style of human resource management can be comparatively important to a company. A company was built essentially based on human resources, a great team providing excellent ideas and wonderful services would bring  numerous profit to the company. Zappos’ s call centre proved that point as the company provides the workers outstanding working environment and welfare. I believe that the future of businesses would be mainly rely on mobile or Internet, however, in order to be successful, these businesses would require strong teams to support them anytime when technical issues happen or marketing strategics needed.