Region Specialization

Coming into GRS, I knew that I wanted to follow what I was passionate about: food security. Initially, I wanted to specialize in Africa because I wanted to help where help was most needed but currently limited. However, as I started to learn more about myself as well as the issues surrounding food security, I felt that if I was seriously considering working in Africa, I would be the most help if I travelled to different regions within Africa to truly understand the complexities of food security at hand. Specifically, I feel that I should travel to the region frequently to analyze the situation as time passes in order to implement meaningful, long-lasting changes. At the same time, I also learned through various personal situations that I do not enjoy travelling for extensive periods of time. I often feel homesick and do not enjoy being away from family and friends for too long. Although I still remain passionate about helping others with food security issues, I would not be able to handle the emotional stress that would come with the travelling.


After realizing this however, I feel as though I must go back to the drawing board. I am not sure what region I want to specialize in currently, however I feel that specializing in North America for the time being would be a good idea since I would be studying about my own home. Moreover, after attending the Truth and Reconciliation Event this September and focussing several projects on the issue this term, I have gained a lot of interest in Aboriginal food security. In particular, I am interested in learning more about what happened in the Indian Residential School nutrition-wise, and the lasting impacts they still have on Aboriginal peoples today. Learning about the issue this year has sparked a new interest within me which may potentially help me figure out which region I would like to specialize in. For the time being though, I will continue learning more about different issues related to food security and the regions in relation to them.

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