Food Security

One of the reasons why I decided to go into GRS was because students are given the flexibility to choose what resource and region they want to specialize in. After learning this, I was ecstatic that I could have the opportunity to specialize in food security. Food security is something I have recently grown a passion in. It grew after I started to realize that I really want to help others and create positive change in the world, however small my actions may be. I was drawn to food security specifically because I find food to be an essential, integral aspect of life that unites every one worldwide.

After attending the 4-H Youth Agriculture Summit in Calgary this summer, which focused on how to feed a hungry planet with nine billion people, I learned that food security issues are much more complicated than they seem. In fact, many people are involved. For instance, those who work in food policy are involved in the way that certain policies may be in place that hinder or encourage food security. As well, state governments at each level are involved too. Others that are involved include various farmers and producers or manufacturers.

Not only are many people involved but also many different issues. Gender issues are an important issue to consider when researching food security in the way that often times, families are not able to obtain enough food because women are devalued and may not be prioritized. Furthermore, land entitlement is another important topic to consider. Many women in developing countries are the ones in the family that actually farm and sustain their family. However, many women also are not entitled to the land they farm. Problems frequently arise because of this fact since they lose their right to farm and obtain access to food when they lose their right to the land. In this way, it is important to consider the effect of land entitlement on families trying to achieve stable food security. Other significant issues include racial issues, farming practices, consumer demand, and water scarcity.

After learning about all the different issues involved with food security, I have grown more excited to pursue it as a career. Learning that food security involves so many different people and issues is daunting, however I am still extremely passionate about helping communities achieve food security. I hope to continue learning about all these different issues in my university life as well as afterwards in order to tackle the issue.

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