End of Year 1 GRS!

Time truly flies so fast because I cannot believe it is the end of my second year in university and the end of my first year in GRS! It has been such a blessing to be in this class and I cannot be more excited to have GRS next year. Reflecting over the past year, I have learned a lot, not only from GRS but many of my other classes. In my sociology class I learned about the power of power; in my food and nutrition class I learned about the importance and processes of aspects of food science; in my land and foods systems class I learned how to interact with group members and stakeholders; and in my statistics class I learned how to carry out research techniques and prove whether the results truly are significant.

While I have learned some amazing new ideas and concepts throughout all my classes, some of the greatest things I have taken away from this year have come straight out of GRS. GRS has continued to push me and motivate me to be my absolute best and consider my actions in regards to others around me. I have learned the importance of serving people and that it is what motivates my heart. I have also continued to learn the importance of food security and the subtle complexities behind it. And beyond this, I have learned to have a greater appreciation for nature and the earth. How? During one of our classes, our class helped to move tools, posts, and plants from the old orchard garden to the new. Although I have worked in gardens before, I had never felt so happy to do so. I loved the feel of the earth between my hands. I loved working together with others to overcome a common goal. I loved that feeling of success, of fulfilling what was not thought possible which at the time was taking down several posts at once! It made me realize my passions truly were at the ground level, working with communities and holistic foods. It also reminded me how lucky I am to be in such a wonderful program with so many caring people – my classmates and also Roxana, Brent, and Mercedes. Although I knew this year would be full of new concepts and greater understanding of various events and situations, I never would have imagined being where I am today and being so happy about it. I still have a ways to go, but I know I will get to where I need to eventually with GRS.

So look out GRS, I will be back in third year, excited to learn more in September!

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