Technology (BlackBerry Blackout)

The Next Generation

The next generation of youths–the children of the future, the students of today– we are the first generation to take technology for granted. We’ve gone from the generations of the Elders to the Baby Boomers, Generation X, to the present generation: the Next Generation. This generation was born into a technology based world. Computers, cellphones, and televisions were already at ourĀ disposalĀ and we take it for granted.

BlackBerry Blackout

During the recent BlackBerry blackout, many of its customers around the globe left their BlackBerry phones behind and moved onto new brands, one of which could have been the iPhone as the new iPhone 4s had come out. What a coincidence? Nevertheless, the outrage that was brought upon BlackBerry was big as people were fed up with its service and constant unreliability.

This outrage is a funny scene from one perspective. The blackout made many of BlackBerry’s customers displeased, some to a strong extent. If we look into the past a couple of decades ago and compare ourselves to then, how silly should we feel? Sure, it is understandable that one gets fed up and annoyed with constant service problems, but we didn’t have this kind of technology AT ALL a few decades back. We are lucky to have this new invention at our hands, but even that does not please the typical Next Generation child.

This applies to myself as well. I get frustrated with the performance of my smartphone, its battery life etc., but if we think about what we REALLY have, we should actually be pleased. There are the exceptions where businesses require complete reliability in their technology in order for proper corporate functions, but for the young teens and young adults who just use their phones for socializing and games, the situation is astounding.

What will the future have in store for us?

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